SL Art Couture and Siren Productions have collaborated to produce two runway shows in celebration of Second Life's 8th Birthday (SL8B) couture and one casual. The couture show was earlier today, featuring Finesmith Designs, Leezu, Gizza, and Azul. I must admit, the set is one of the prettiest that I've ever seen. I told Jonas (my amazingly talented SL husband/landscaper) that I expect a replica in our backyard by the end of the week. =P Oh! And I also spotted my first Linden ever! Woo!!!
Dancer Dallagio
Lorelei Maggs
Lua Vendetta
SC Tracy
Zed Linden
Ty Sy for the pic :) lag was sooooo bad that I don't know how we made it, but we did it, and wow was a Mr Linden enjoying the show hehe cool :)
hahaha. lag was ATROCIOUS...i def didn't envy you models, lol. great job!